PM Engineer Archive


Next Gen All Star: Hannah Weir

Age: 32

Company: MacLeod & Grant

Title: Business development manager

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How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?

HW: Six years — three years as a mechanical building design consultant and three years as a manufacturer’s representative.

What drew you into the industry?

HW: My two educational paths, chemistry and mechanical engineering, intersected at the study of Thermodynamics. I am sure that is why I found myself drawn to the subject and is what made me consider how I could pursue a career that involved the application of those concepts. A family connection to the building heating industry gave me some insight into what I could expect from a career in that area. I liked that the building industry is active everywhere and that it was thriving in my rapidly growing city. I wouldn’t have to move for a job, and I wouldn’t be tied down to a particular place for one either. There was freedom and opportunity in that.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?

HW: Playing a valuable role in the infrastructure development in my city. There is an intrinsic satisfaction in seeing the projects we’re involved in come together around me.

What motivates you every day?

HW: Our customers. The contractors that purchase our equipment and rely on us for advice do not work from a desk. They are in the field, facing real obstacles and taking on real risks in real time. I am motivated to provide appropriate advice and thorough information upfront to minimize their risk and to be an asset to them if an issue does arise. In a way, contractors are also representing our products when they install them. I want their experience to be positive.

On a personal level, I am also motivated to grow our business so that maybe my dogs can have a yard one day!

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?

HW: About 28% of global energy-related carbon emissions are produced from heating, cooling and powering buildings. Innovation in this industry is one of the most important things we can do for our natural environment.

What has been your proudest moment in your career so far?

HW: Becoming a co-owner of MacLeod & Grant. I am proud of my father for building the business into the successful and respected company that it is today. I am proud that I have the opportunity to continue what he started.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

HW: I love all things spooky!

Why he was chosen as a Next Gen All Star Top 20 Under 40 winner:

“Hannah built a background in energy engineering before moving into an engineering technical sales role at MacLeod & Grant. She works with engineering firms in the Halifax, Nova Scotia area as a manufacturers' rep. Beyond training and consulting with engineers about products and applications, she brings a big-picture, sustainable construction background that sets her apart from her peers. She also has volunteer experience with the ASHRAE Halifax Chapter and the Women in Engineering Society.” — Max Rohr, education and industry manager, Caleffi Hydronic Solutions

Plumbing & Mechanical Engineer’s Top 20 young professionals to watch.

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