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Next Gen All Star: Andrew Taylor

Age: 26

Company: REHAU

Title: Product development engineer

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How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?

AT: I have been in the PHCP-PVF industry since I joined REHAU a little over three years ago as an engineering intern in their building solutions division. I have been in my full-time role with REHAU for two years.

What drew you into the industry?

AT: I was sort of thrown into the PHCP-PVF industry when I started my internship with REHAU. I did not know much about the industry, but after designing and building an engineering workshop as my summer project, I got a first-hand look at how products are developed for mechanical and plumbing systems. I was intrigued by the work behind creating a product, especially the amount of collaboration it takes with a range of teams to develop a product that you’re able to bring to the market.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?

AT: One of the most rewarding aspects of the industry is seeing a project through from start to finish. It’s neat to work on a product that starts as an idea or concept, then is brought into the market and physically used in the field. I feel proud when REHAU wins awards or acknowledgments for their larger projects, knowing that I had a hand in it in some form or fashion. Another rewarding aspect is seeing our building solutions division strive toward more sustainable systems. From the energy savings offered by radiant heating systems to the use of our PEX piping rather than metal tubing in plumbing systems, it’s interesting to be a part of an organization that prioritizes sustainability.

What motivates you every day?

AT: The team environment at REHAU motivates me to do my best. The people I work with are extremely supportive, reliable and collaborative. Working cohesively with my co-workers to get the job done always feels like a team win, which is extremely rewarding. Having the opportunity to work on the REHAU team is an absolute blast and pleasure. It makes it easy to show up ready to work each day.

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?

AT: I wish more people knew about how much background work goes into this industry. It’s easy to take the utilities and systems we have in our homes and offices for granted since we don’t physically see them day to day. Hard work goes into the PHCP-PVF industry to build these systems and keep them functioning. There’s so much collaboration that takes place across teams within REHAU and externally to design and install mechanical and plumbing systems. It’s a team effort to keep the business growing.

What has been your proudest moment in your career so far?

AT: I wouldn’t say there’s a specific moment I’m proud of. I’m prouder of the day-to-day progress that my team and I have made in expanding our knowledge base and capabilities as a group. I’ve learned so much over the past three years working in the industry and solving problems that arise. Knowing where to look to find a solution is rewarding in itself. I look forward to continuing to grow and learn both professionally and personally with REHAU.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

AT: I’m open to new experiences and learning new things. Every year I challenge myself to learn one or two new personal skills. This year I learned how to weld and coached middle school kids interested in engineering throughout the KidWind Challenge, a competition that gives students an opportunity to design, construct and test wind turbines or solar structures.

Why he was chosen as a Next Gen All Star Top 20 Under 40 winner:

“Andrew Taylor takes a task and runs with it, owning it from start to finish. Although he has only been with REHAU as a product development engineer for two years, he has made a noticeable impact on the company’s building solutions division with his eagerness to take the lead and upbeat energy. Andrew’s determination and ability to take initiative have led him to become an integral member of REHAU’s engineering team.

“Andrew’s co-workers describe him as a reliable, generous team player who always lends a helping hand. He highly values his relationships with his co-workers, who were a significant reason why he wanted to join REHAU. Andrew’s generosity extends beyond the workplace; he makes a point to get involved in his community and give back to the engineering field. His love for service began in college when he volunteered at philanthropic events for his school’s engineering fraternity, Theta Tau.

“Last spring, Andrew mentored a team of elementary and middle school students throughout the KidWind Challenge. This renewable energy-focused competition gives students an opportunity to design, construct and test wind turbines or solar structures. Reflecting on this experience, Andrew noted, ‘It was important that I helped my students understand that failure is okay and part of the process of improving what you are developing.’

“Once a mentee, Andrew has also become a mentor in REHAU’s 2023 summer internship program, contributing to the next generation of engineers in the plumbing and mechanical industry.” — Erin Slupe, marketing coordinator, REHAU

Plumbing & Mechanical Engineer’s Top 20 young professionals to watch.

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