PM Engineer Archive


EDITOR’S NOTE || By Nicole Krawcke

Saluting exceptional plumbing and mechanical engineers

PM Engineer is seeking nominations for 2023 Plumbing Engineer of the Year and Mechanical Engineer of the Year awards.


It’s hard to believe I’ve been at the helm of this publication for well over three years. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! I’ve learned quite a bit in researching articles and interviewing industry experts. However, my absolute favorite stories to tell are those of our annual Plumbing Engineer of the Year and Mechanical Engineer of the Year winners.

I love getting to know people from the industry and hearing how they got their start in plumbing and mechanical engineering. I love hearing about their passion for what they do, their commitment to the industry and hopes for the future. I learn so many interesting — and often incredible — things about these individuals.

For example, John Lansing, our 2021 Plumbing Engineer of the Year, devotes much of his time studying plumbing systems from all around the world, and designed plumbing systems for U.S. Embassies and Consulates early in his career.

Brianne Hall, last year’s Mechanical Engineer of the Year, is heavily involved with both ASPE and ASSE and was one of the forces behind the development of ASSE 6060 — Medical Gas Systems for Designers. She graciously agreed to contribute to PM Engineer this month, so don’t miss her article “New ASSE certifications lend credibility to health care designers.”

I’d also be remiss if I did not mention Dr. Saum Nour, our 2022 Plumbing Engineer of the Year and perhaps one of the most well-educated, engaging people I’ve ever had the pleasure of interviewing. With all of his education and certifications, Dr. Nour could have done anything he wanted, but in looking at all the trades, he found plumbing was the one that needed his help the most. He also loves what he does — his passion for his work and educating others shines through in any conversation you have with the man.

You may be wondering why I’m reminiscing about all these past articles. That, my dear reader, is because PM Engineer has opened nominations for our 2023 Plumbing Engineer of the Year and Mechanical Engineer of the Year awards. Every year, we shine the spotlight on one plumbing engineer and one mechanical engineer doing exceptional work in their respective fields. These shining stars truly care about bettering the industry and using the latest and greatest engineering design guidelines and new technologies to create energy-efficient, sustainable buildings.

We would like your help in identifying individuals deserving of the award in 2023.

Any professional working as a plumbing engineer or mechanical engineer in any aspect of the industry, including engineering firms, contracting businesses, manufacturers or more can be nominated.

To nominate an individual, simply visit, and fill out the questionnaire. The winners will be profiled in upcoming editions of PM Engineer magazine.

The deadline to nominate a Plumbing Engineer of the Year is Aug. 25; while the deadline for Mechanical Engineer of the Year nominations is Sept. 22.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at